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Girth Weld Protection on HDD Bore Pipe

Case Study

How Field-Applied Composite Wraps Provide Pipeline Protection and Integrity in HDD Applications

A new pipeline construction project in Oklahoma required a horizontal directionally drilled (HDD) bore to allow installation of the pipeline under a creek bed. In such situations, girth welds associated with the field assembly of the pipeline must be coated and protected from mechanical damage through interactions with roller cradles and rocks/aggregate within the bore.

Girth Weld Protection - Boreshield ARO II installation
Pull head installation exiting on rig side

Horizontal Directional Drilling Challenges

  1. The field assembly of pipeline for installation by horizontal directional drilling produces unprotected girth welds.
  2. These girth welds must be coated on site to protect the cutback in order to protect them from abrasion and wear occurring during pipe placement and pulling.
  3. Areas of the pipe damaged during the pull will be susceptible to corrosion and potential pipeline failure.

Project Needs

  • Protect corrosion inhibiting, two-part epoxy on girth welds and adjacent FBE cutbacks.
  • Provide abrasion resistance over susceptible girth welds.
  • Prevent future sub-surface degradation of pulled pipeline.
  • Quick and repeatable field application of protective coating.

How Field Applied Composite Wraps Provide Protection...

Rig side of HDD bore

Project Details

Location: Oklahoma
HDD Motivation: Creek bed preservation
Pipe Diameter: 10”
Pull Length: 400’
Girth Welds: 10

Composite Wrap Properties

Product: InduMar Boreshield™ ARO II
Resin: Water-activated urethane
Reinforcement: Wear resistant fiberglass
Composite Type: Pre-preg

Application Specifics

Composite Rolls per Girth Weld: 1
Install Time per Roll: < 5 min
Girthweld Coverage: 28”
ARO Coating Thickness: 0.33”

Provided Protection

Although marring and gouging of the neighboring regions of the pipe and composite wrap were detected following the pull, Boreshield™ ARO II exhibited:

  • Excellent adhesion to the pipe
  • Complete cohesion of wrapped layers
  • Full protection of underlying epoxy coating from abrasion.

By sacrificially absorbing the impact and gouge energy experienced during the pull, the easy to install composite wrap provided protection to susceptible cutback and girth weld regions.

Pull head installation after pulling
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